lululemon 40|80 challenge

We are thrilled to be working with the local lululemon Geelong team to tackle the very first challenge of 2020. 

All local runners are invited to join us in running 40 or 80km between the 13th-26th January to kick-start our 2020. 

Let’s pound the pavement, get that heart rate sky-rocketing and tick a goal off the list before January is through.

Join your challenge run mentors, Tristan Austin and Romy Harwood, for a challenge kick-off run and connect on Monday the 13th January at the local lululemon Geelong store and see how we can support you in clocking up the k's. 

Then to keep the momentum, join some of the extra challenge runs hosted by the GRC run crew so you can confidently log the challenge miles and share the kudos with the Strava community.

lululemon x STRAVA - worth running for.


6 Running tips when increasing the kms.


GRC 2019 > 2020