Add some hills to hit new running heights.

Incorporating hills into your running routine can bring a variety of benefits to your training.

Here are a few key reasons why adding some hills to your runs can be beneficial:

1.     Increased cardiovascular fitness: Running uphill requires more effort than running on flat terrain, which means your heart and lungs have to work harder to pump oxygen to your muscles. This can lead to improved cardiovascular fitness over time.

2.     Improved leg strength: Running uphill also requires more effort from your leg muscles, particularly your quads and glutes. Incorporating hills into your running routine can help to build leg strength and power, which can translate to improved performance on flat terrain as well.

3.     Increased calorie burn: Running uphill requires more energy than running on flat terrain, which means you can burn more calories during your hill runs. This can be a great way to boost your overall calorie burn, especially if you're looking to lose weight.

4.     Reduced risk of injury: Running on hills can be less stressful on your joints than running on flat terrain, as the slight incline can help to reduce the impact on your knees, ankles and other joints. This can help to reduce your risk of injury and make your running routine more sustainable in the long-term.

5.     Improved mental toughness: Running uphill can be challenging, both physically and mentally. It requires mental determination and grit to push through the discomfort and keep running. Over time, this can help to build mental toughness and improve your ability to handle difficult situations.

Incorporating hills into your running routine doesn't have to be difficult. You can start by adding small inclines to your usual running route, or seek out hilly trails and parks in your area.

You can also try interval training by alternating between flat and hilly sections of your run. As you progress, you can gradually increase the frequency and duration of your hill runs to continue challenging yourself and see the maximum benefits.


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