Konnichiwa from Tokyo - Imperial Palace Run

Geelong Runners Club

Yesterday myself and co-founder Leigh, were lucky enough to run the 6.5km path around the Imperial Palace in the middle of Tokyo, Japan.

We started the adventure by catching one of the many trains to Tokyo station, and locating a bag-storage locker on the B1 floor. The locker only cost 400 Y and was a perfect spot to dump our bags and some warm clothes to collect post run.

Following the signs marked ‘Imperial Palace’ inside the station, along with a short walk and staircase- we were led to the ground level concourse outside and smack bang in front of the Tokyo Station. (The exact scene of the recent Tokyo Marathon)

We began our run from this spot and decided to run anti-clockwise to keep to the left of the path around the palace.

Being PEAK cherry blossom season, the crowds were massive. With local guards directing all runners and bikes away from the main gatherings. This was handy as they were directing us around the full width of the moat grounds surrounding the palace.

Geelong Runners Club

We were able to maintain a good rhythm around the course, with minimal crossings pausing the run. We just had to stop in several locations to take some snaps, as the view was amazing - hence the crowds.

The general public were pretty good also, allowing us to run past on the path which is also shared by riders and other runners.

In the main Cherry Blossom viewing area, an oasis appeared - being a closed off road for a decent stretch around the back of the palace - just or us! or at least it felt like that.

There was no better feeling that running on an open stretch of road, in the middle of Tokyo, with thousands of people along the sides.

Geelong Runners Club

As we completed the final leg of the course, we noticed a few groups of runners about - but not many on Strava after looking back at the Flybys online. Mind you it was a pretty fresh afternoon at around 6-7 degrees.

We completed the circuit with a final run up the concourse towards Tokyo station! I have to say it will be a run that will be hard to top for many years!

Tristan, Co-Founder

Imperial Palace Tokyo - Run

Course Length: 6.5km

Elevation Gain: 119m

Layout: Flat & Fast (but can be very crowded)

Geelong Runners Club
Geelong Runners Club
Geelong Runners Club

Forget the pace. Get in the Zone!


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