10 tips for running in the cold.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP… goes the alarm.

Just 5 more minutes of sleep in the warm bed is all I need, I can run tomorrow…

Sound familiar? Here are 10 simple but effective tips to help keep the running motivation up, while the temperature comes down.

  1. Be grateful - running is a privilege. Some people are unable to take on this activity. So treat each run as a luxury.

  2. Cold is easier than hot - We have all had a blow-out when running under the hot sun. The turbo works better in the cold.

  3. Sleep in your gear - it’s warm and ready when you wake up, plus you can dream like an athlete. Shoes not recommended.

  4. Get the right gear - sometimes looking good is motivating enough. If you look like a pro runner, you will try to run like a pro runner.

  5. Involve someone - Can’t leave others in the cold. Plan a time and place to meet a running buddy.

  6. Warm rewards - Hot coffee, hot shower, hot something… Plan a post run treat that will keep you pushing to reach the end.

  7. Hardcore! - It takes determination to run the frosty tracks. Just think that every car that passes is admiring your hardcore-ness.

  8. Own the seasons - Research has shown you adjust better to Seasonal Effectiveness Disorder. Bring on the happy feelings.

  9. No.1 Goal - put a post-it note or photo of your goal near your shoes or on the mirror. Show yourself why you do this each day.

  10. Sign up - There are races, jogs, & club runs galore around Geelong. Make some commitments and improve everyday. Own the cold.


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Take flight up some stairs.