Add the spring back to your step!

Spring is a great time to start running or to get back into it after a long winter. The weather is mild, the days are longer, and the scenery is beautiful. However, it’s important to approach your spring run training with care to avoid injury and burnout. In this post, we’ll share some tips for run training in spring and some of the best workouts to complete.

Tips for Run Training in Spring

Start Slowly: If you haven’t been running regularly, it’s important to start slowly and gradually build up your endurance. Start with short runs and gradually increase the distance and intensity over time.

Mix It Up: To avoid boredom and to keep your body challenged, mix up your workouts. Try different types of runs such as interval training, hill repeats, and tempo runs.

Strength Training: Strength training is an important part of any running program. It helps to build muscle, improve balance and coordination, and prevent injuries. Some of the best strength training exercises for runners include lunges, squats, and planks.

Cross-Training: Cross-training is another great way to improve your running performance. Activities such as cycling, swimming, and yoga can help to improve your cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and strength.

Rest and Recovery: Rest and recovery are just as important as the workouts themselves. Make sure to take at least one rest day per week and to get plenty of sleep.

Best Workouts to Complete

Easy Run: Running at an easy pace builds endurance, promotes proper form, establishes routine and base mileage, and facilitates recovery. For this style workout, you can start with a 40-minute run with 3 x 5 minutes at tempo pace, and a 3 minute recovery in between .

Speed Workouts: Speed workouts can help you to develop into a stronger runner. This is done by alternating short bouts of varying speeds with rest periods. This type of protocol is also a bit more engaging than just logging a handful of miles at the same pace for your training, too. Incorporating sprints into your fitness routine can improve cardiovascular health; small studies have shown that including sprint protocols in your training can improve heart health and cardiovascular function .

Strength Training: Strength training is an important part of any running program. It helps to build muscle, improve balance and coordination, and prevent injuries. Some of the best strength training exercises for runners include lunges, squats, and planks .

Outdoor Yoga: Yoga is the perfect form of exercise to take outdoors. It’s also gentle enough for beginners who have not exercised in a while. Yoga can help to improve your flexibility, balance, and strength .

Cycling: If your workout of choice is spin classes, the spring is your opportunity to pedal into the great outdoors. Cycling can help to improve your cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and strength .

I hope these tips and workouts help you to get started with your spring run training. Remember to start slowly, mix up your workouts, and take time for rest and recovery. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and enjoyable spring running season.


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